TEXAR's Drive and Save Auto Loan Program
If you are in the market for a new or used auto, but the high prices are leaving you with sticker shock, the TEXAR Drive and Save program may be the perfect fit! Let us help you get a lower monthly payment!
Drive and Save Program details:
- You OWN the vehicle.
- Available on new and used vehicles up to 5 years old.
- Finance up to 72 months.
- Mileage options: 7,500/10,000/12,000/15,000/18,000
- Guaranteed value at the end of the term.
- Option to sell, trade refinance or payoff at any time during your loan term without any early terminations fees.
- Competitive Rates.
- Quick Decisions.
- It's Not a Lease!
*Exclusions may apply. Members may incur additional fees. Rates subject to change. Rates in graphic may not be accurate.